Feed providers for Summary.NZ

Various sources are used for the blocks of content on this site. This page lists each and any specific caveats about how the data is sourced.

Summary.NZ does not currently retain copies of images, all images are referenced to their source by URL.

Radio New Zealand & The Wireless

RadioNZ offers RSS feeds for their news. At the time of initial development it was believed the RSS feed was available for use for this purpose. Subsequent review of the Terms of Use on their website suggest this is actually not the case. I have a query in with RNZ, and the blocks are pending removal as a result.


Reddit makes their content available via an API, without restrictions on how the content is re-used.


Pinboard offers an RSS feed of their links, without restrictions on how the content is re-used.

Hacker News

Hacker News offers a Firebase API and RSS feeds, without any apparent restrictions on how the content is re-used.


Newshub have an explicit license for use of their RSS feeds:

RSS is a free service offered by Newshub for non-commercial use. Any other uses, including without limitation the incorporation of advertising into or the placement of advertising associated with or targeted towards the RSS Content, are strictly prohibited. You must use the RSS feeds as provided by Newshub, and you may not edit or modify the text, content or links supplied by Newshub.